
Vocabulary (Review)

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In this lesson, we’ll introduce you to some more useful phrases for hotels and the like.
The first phrase is “When do I pay the accommodation fee?”
In Czech, this is: Kdy se platí ubytování?
Let’s break it down:
Kdy se pla-tí u-by-to-vá-ní?
Once more:
Kdy se platí ubytování?
The first word, kdy, means “when” in English.
(slow) Kdy.
Then you have se platí, which means “to pay”.
(slow) Se pla-tí.
Se platí.
After that you have ubytování, which is “accommodation.”
(slow) U-by-to-vá-ní.
All together:
(slow) Kdy se pla-tí u-by-to-vá-ní?
Kdy se platí ubytování?
Literally it means “When is the accommodation paid?”
When you’re staying a hotel and need more soap, you’ll ask “Can you give me some soap?” In Czech this is:
Můžete mi dát mýdlo?
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Mů-že-te mi dát mýd-lo?
Once more:
Můžete mi dát mýdlo?
The first word, můžete, means something like “can you”.
Next we have mi meaning “me”.
(slow) Mi.
The word dát means “to give” in English.
(slow) Dát.
And at the end we have mýdlo which means “soap.”
(slow) Mýd-lo.
All together it is
(slow) Mů-že-te mi dát mýd-lo?
Můžete mi dát mýdlo?
The literal translation in English is “Can you give me soap?”
To ask for something else, all you have to do is to replace the word mýdlo with the other word.
Here’s a list of words that you may need at a hotel.
Ručník which means “Towel” .
(slow) Ruč-ník.
Zubní kartáček which means “Toothbrush” .
(slow) Zub-ní kar-tá-ček.
Zubní kartáček.
Zubní pasta which means “Toothpaste”.
(slow) Zub-ní pas-ta.
Zubní pasta.
Šampón which means “Shampoo” .
(slow) Šam-pón.
For example, when you’re out of toothpaste, you can say..
“Can you give me toothpaste?”
In Czech, this is..
Můžete mi dát zubní pastu?
(slow) Mů-že-te mi dát zub-ní pas-tu?
Zubní pastu is the noun meaning “toothpaste”.
(slow) Zub-ní pas-tu
Zubní pastu
You can also add prosím at the end of the phrase to make it more polite.

