
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Brandon: Hi everyone, Brandon here, and welcome back to CzechClass101.com. This is Basic Bootcamp Lesson 4- Counting from 1-100 in Czech. This is the fourth in a five-part series that will help you ease your way into Czech.
Martin: Ahoj, já jsem Martin. I’m Martin.
In this lesson, you will learn one of the essentials in Czech…numbers!
Brandon: Yes, we'll start with the basics. In this lesson, we will count from one to ten.
Martin: The conversation takes place at a gym.
Brandon: Adam will be counting his push-ups. Let’s listen to the conversation.
Adam: jeden (1),dva (2),tři (3),čtyři (4),pět (5)
Adam: šest (6),sedm (7),osm (8),devět (9),deset (10)
Brandon: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Adam: jeden (1),dva (2),tři (3),čtyři (4),pět (5)
Adam: šest (6),sedm (7),osm (8),devět (9),deset (10)
Brandon: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Adam: jeden (1),dva (2),tři (3),čtyři (4),pět (5)
Brandon: one, two, three, four, five
Adam: šest (6),sedm (7),osm (8),devět (9),deset (10)
Brandon: six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Brandon: Listeners, you may be feeling that all these numbers sound so different from English.
Martin: That’s right, and they are quite different. But once you know how to count from one to ten, the rest will be easy.
Brandon: Right. Once you know the one-digit numbers in Czech, you’ll be able to make higher numbers such as 100. In Czech, you can easily make large numbers by saying numbers in two digits, then putting the one-digit number.
Martin: I think that once you master this lesson, you’ll be all right with Czech numbers.
Brandon: Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Brandon: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Martin: jeden [natural native speed]
Brandon: one
Martin: jeden [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: jeden [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: dva [natural native speed]
Brandon: two
Martin: dva [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: dva [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: tři [natural native speed]
Brandon: three
Martin: tři [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: tři [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: čtyři [natural native speed]
Brandon: four
Martin: čtyři [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: čtyři [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: pět [natural native speed]
Brandon: five
Martin: pět [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: pět [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: šest [natural native speed]
Brandon: six
Martin: šest [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: šest [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: sedm [natural native speed]
Brandon: seven
Martin: sedm [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: sedm [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: osm [natural native speed]
Brandon: eight
Martin: osm [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: osm [natural native speed]
: Next:
Martin: devět [natural native speed]
Brandon: nine
Martin: devět [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: devět [natural native speed]
: And Last:
Martin: deset [natural native speed]
Brandon: ten
Martin: deset [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Martin: deset [natural native speed]
Brandon: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Martin, we’ve learned the basic numbers from one to ten, but how do we count above 10?
Martin: It’s very simple. For the number 11 to 19, you just need to add the word náct.
Brandon: Can you give us an example? How do you say “eleven” in Czech?
Martin: First, say the number one in Czech, which is jeden. Then you can simply put the word náct. So the word eleven is jedenáct. jede-náct
Brandon: So it’s something like ‘One plus ten.’ Using the same word, we can also make the numbers twelve to nineteen. Let’s start with twelve. What’s “twelve” in Czech?
Martin: dvanáct / dva - náct
Brandon: And thirteen is?
Martin: třináct / tři-náct
Brandon: Listeners, can you guess how to say fourteen to nineteen? The answer is..
Martin: Wait. Actually, not all numbers between 11 and 19 follow this rule. The numbers fourteen, fifteen and nineteen are exceptions. For them, the spelling will be different.
Brandon: Okay, let’s see the number “14” first.
Martin: “Čtyři” is the Czech for the number “four”. When it becomes “14”, instead of saying “Čtyři”, you need to say čtr. So the number “14” in Czech is čtr-náct.
Brandon: Listeners, make sure to check the lesson notes to see how the spelling changes. Now, what about fifteen?
Martin: The number “5” in Czech is“pět”. When it becomes “15”, the spelling changes, so it sounds like pat, not pět. So “15” is.. “pat-náct”
Brandon: What about “19”?
Martin: “devět” is the Czech for the number 9. It adds an “e” at the end, so it becomes devate. So “19” is “devate-náct”. Those are the only exceptions. For the others, you can simply add náct at the end.
Brandon: Okay. What about the multiples of ten, then?
Martin: From twenty to forty, just add “cet” at the end of the number. “Dva”, number 2, plus “cet” becomes “dvacet”, meaning the number “20” in Czech
Brandon: Okay, what about the numbers “30” and “40”?
Martin: It’s the same rule. “tři”, the number “3”, plus “cet” becomes “třicet”, the number “30”. And “čtyři”, the number “4”, plus “cet” becomes “čtyřicet”, the number “40”.
Brandon: That’s easy to remember. What about the rest of them, such as “50” and “60”?
Martin: For these, you can add “sát” at the end, but the spelling will be changed for some numbers.
Brandon: To make sure you remember the right spelling, please check the PDF lesson notes. Can you read the numbers 50 to 90 please Martin?
Martin: Sure. Pade-sát is “50”. šede-sát is “60” and sedmde-sát is “70”
Brandon: And the numbers “80” and “90” are..?
Martin: osmde-sát, and devade-sát.
Brandon: Okay. Now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Brandon: In this lesson, you’ll learn the numeral noun phrases and the Cardinal and Ordinal numbers in Czech.
Martin: In Czech, the way to count things is the same as in English. When you count, for example, books, you can put the number, then put the name of the object.
Brandon: But, it’s not so simple for some words, right?
Martin: Right. In Czech, each noun has a gender. According to the gender of the noun, you need to use a different number.
Brandon: For example, what about the number one?
Martin: If a noun is masculine, you can use the word “jeden” to say the number 1. But when the noun is feminine, you need to say ‘jedna’ instead.
Brandon: Or when it’s a neutral...
Martin: ...You can say jedno. Also, the numbers will be different if the noun is plural or singular.
Brandon: Okay, let’s take a look at some examples.
Martin: Sure. Let me use three currencies - the dollar, crown, and Euro. The Czech word for ‘dollar’ is ‘dolar’ and that’s masculine. And the Crown, the Czech currency, is ‘koruna’ and it’s feminine. Lastly, we have Euro. In Czech, this is “Euro” and it’s neutral.
Brandon: So “Dollar” is masculine, “Crown” is feminine, and “Euro” is neutral.
Martin: That’s right. And now, let’s put the number one with each noun. Since each noun has a different gender, the number should be different too.
Brandon: Okay. Then can you say One dollar, one crown, and one euro in Czech, one by one?
Martin: Sure. jeden dolar, jedna koruna, jedno euro.
Brandon: Once again?
Martin: Sure. jeden dolar, jedna koruna, jedno euro.
Brandon: What about the number two?
Martin: Then, it becomes dva dolary, dvě koruny, dvě eura
Brandon: meaning “two Dollars, two Crowns, two Euros.” In the lesson notes, you’ll be able to find more information about Czech numbers, so make sure to check them out. Okay, now let’s talk about Czech ordinal numbers. It’s a little more complicated, because they have regular adjectival forms in Czech. Therefore, the ending of each ordinal number will change according to the following noun and its gender.
Martin: So the ending changes according to the gender.
Brandon: This is a bit complicated, so can you give us some examples?
Martin: Sure. The ordinal number “second” can be like druhý, druhá, druhé. All of them mean ‘second’ but have a different ending.
Brandon: So the masculine ends with an Y sound, the feminine with an A sound, and the neutral with an E sound.
Martin: And all of them have the accent marks on the top. Check the lesson notes to see these accent marks, listeners.
Brandon: Do the other ordinal numbers follow the same rule?
Martin: Yes. For example, the Czech words for “fifth” are pátý, pátá, páté.
Brandon: But there are exceptions, right?
Martin: That’s true, and also a bit of good news. When you say ‘First and ‘Third’, you can use the same word for all genders. The Czech word for ‘First’ is první” and third is “třetí”.
Brandon: Okay. Can you say some ordinal numbers in Czech?
Martin: Sure. The words for ‘third’ are třetí, třetí, třetí, as I just said.
Brandon: What about ‘Seventh’?
Martin: sedmý, sedmá, sedmé
Brandon: And.. the words for “tenth” are?
Martin: desátý, desátá, desáté
Brandon: What about “twentieth”?
Martin: dvacátý, dvacátá, dvacáté
Martin: Listeners, have you ever dreamed of starring in one of our lessons?
Brandon: If your answer is yes, use the voice-recording-tool on the lessons page!
Martin: Record your voice with a click of a button,
Brandon: ...and then play it back just as easily.
Martin: Then, compare it to the native speakers in the lesson...
Brandon: ...and adjust your pronunciation!
Martin: After a few tries, you’ll be speaking better Czech than Brandon here!
Brandon: Hey!
Martin: Go to CzechClass101.com, and rapidly improve your Czech pronunciation!


Brandon: That’s it for this lesson, everyone. Don’t forget to check the lesson notes!
Martin: Thanks for listening. Ahoj.
Brandon: See you next time, bye!

