Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Ahoj, já jsem Veronika. Hi everybody! I’m Veronika.
Welcome to CzechClass101.com’s “Česky za 3 minuty”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Czech.
In the last lesson, we learned how to introduce ourselves in Czech. In this lesson you’re going to learn how to use good manners as you thank people.
Připraveni? Are you ready? Tak začneme! So let’s start!
There are several ways to thank someone, let’s start with the easiest. It is just one word:
[slowly] Děkuju.
Děkuju means “thank you”.
When saying “thank you very much” you just need to add moc.
[slowly] Děkuju moc.
Moc means “a lot”. So Děkuju moc is like saying “Thank you very much.”
During the last lesson we discussed the informal and the formal way of speaking Czech. Děkuju is the casual way to thank someone. If you want to be more formal, there is another phrase you should use.
Děkuju vám. [slowly] Děkuju vám.
Let’s break this phrase down. Děkuju means “thanks”. Vám is a formal word for “you” in the dative case. Notice that we don’t use vás as in the last lesson. We will discuss Czech pronouns in more depth in a later lesson. The full sentence once again: Děkuju vám.
How do you answer? It’s easy! Here are two different ways to do it.
The first is:
[slowly] Prosím. This means “you’re welcome”
Prosím can be used with just about anybody.
The other way to say “you are welcome” is the expression:
Není zač.
[slowly] Není zač.
Literally, this phrase means "There is nothing to thank me for" or "you don't have to thank me,” but it has become a common and polite way to respond to someone
thanking you.
So when someone says Děkuju to you, you can simply reply with:
Prosím or Není zač.
Now it’s time for Veronika’s Insights.
If you’re not sure about whether to use Děkuju or Děkuju vám, keeping it simple is always your safest bet. You don’t have to worry about formal or informal situations; Děkuju can be used with just about anyone, anywhere, and at anytime!
In spoken Czech, you can also hear the word Díky. It is a very casual and easy way to thank someone.
Do you know what Na shledanou means? In our next lesson you’ll learn this and other greetings in Czech!
Děkuju a ahoj příště!

