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Czech Holidays: The Day of Burning Jan Hus

Who was Jan Hus, and why do the Czech people have a holiday in commemoration of his burning? Czech martyr Jan Hus burned at the stake in 1415 for his beliefs and teachings, which spurred rebellion against foreign intervention.

In learning about Jan Hus beliefs, as well as this Czech reformer’s life and legacy, you’re opening the floodgates to Czech cultural knowledge! And as any successful language-learner can tell you, knowing a country’s culture is essential in mastering its language.

At, we hope to make your learning journey both fun and informative, starting now with the Czech martyr Jan Hus.

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1. What is the Day of Burning Jan Hus?

On July 6, 1415, a prominent Czech reformer and scholar named Jan Hus was burned at the stake for his opinions at the Church Council in Constance. His death sparked a rebellion in Bohemia and the Hussite wars against opponents of his doctrine, and against foreign intervention.

Although Jan Hus was the reformer of the Czech language, his last words, addressed to an ordinary woman who brought a log to his stake, were said in Latin: Sancta simplicitas! meaning “Holy simplicity!”

2. When is Jan Hus Day?

Depiction of a Martyr

The Czech Republic observes the Day of Burning Jan Hus each year on July 6.

3. Reading Practice: Jan Hus Day Traditions

A Priest

How do the Czech people commemorate the burning of Jan Hus? Read the Czech text below to find out! You can find the English translation directly below it.

  • Svátek, budící i po staletích politické i teologické vášně, byl ustanoven po vzniku Československa v roce 1918. Oslavy mají spíše oficiální ráz, na vzpomínkových akcích vystupují veřejné osobnosti a politikové. Součástí oslav bývají slavnostní ceremonie, pořádané především Československou církví husitskou, která se plně hlásí k Husovým teologickým názorům.

    Slavit svátek Jana Husa je možné i učením češtiny, neboť je třeba mít na paměti, že Jan Hus byl také jazykovědcem a výzamně ovlivnil podobu českého jazyka. Jeho největší přínos spočívá v tom, že zjednodušil psaní zavedením háčků a čárek a také položil základy spisovné češtiny.

  • The feast, which inflames political and theological passions even centuries later, was established after the founding of Czechoslovakia in 1918. The celebrations tend to have a more official character and public figures and politicians appear at the commemorative events. Part of the celebrations are festive ceremonies organized especially by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, which is fully committed to the Hus theological views.

    You can also celebrate the feast of Jan Hus by learning Czech, since it is important to remember that Jan Hus was also a linguist and considerably influenced the shape of the Czech language. His greatest contribution lies in the simplification of writing by introducing accents, and he also laid the foundations of literary Czech language.

    4. Where Did Jan Hus Preach?

    What chapel did Jan Hus preach in during his life?

    It’s called Bethlehem Chapel and it still stands in Prague’s New Town, managed by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. During his lifetime, Hus, who was then-rector of Prague University, preached and criticized social and religious ills in this place.

    Every year on Hus Day, a festive church service takes place here, honoring his memory.

    Another place often associated with Jan Hus is Charles University (Prague), where Hus was a dean.

    5. Vocabulary You Should Know for Jan Hus Day

    Woman with Chalk Drawing of Light Bulb Above head

    Here’s some vocabulary you should know for the Day of Burning Jan Hus!

    • Smrt — Death
    • Den upálení mistra Jana Husa — Jan Hus Day
    • Kněz — Priest
    • Křížová výprava — Crusade
    • Karlova univerzita — Charles University
    • Upálení — Burning
    • Kazatel — Preacher
    • Mučedník — Martyr
    • Myšlenka — Idea
    • Kacíř — Heretic
    • Reforma — Reformation
    • Rektor — Rector

    To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, check out our Jan Hus Day vocabulary list.


    We hope you enjoyed learning about Jan Hus Day Prague traditions with us, and that you took away something valuable from this lesson! The legacy of Jan Hus is truly a significant aspect of Czech culture even today.

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