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The Czech National Anthem: Where My Home Is


The title sounds almost funny, doesn’t it? However, listening to the funeral-like tune and “strange,” old-fashioned words and expressions certainly won’t make you laugh.

Every time I see proud American or French people jump up and sing along when their anthem starts playing, my heart clenches. Play the Czech anthem in a room full of Czechs… Nothing will happen. Sadly, we’re not patriots––quite the opposite, actually––and it shows. Don’t get me wrong, when the Czech hockey team won the gold medal at the Olympics 20 years ago, most of us felt very… Czech. Since then… Radio silence in the patriotism department.

In this article, we will explore and decipher the lyrics and history of the Czech national anthem. According to some, it is a beautiful expression of Czech ideals: humanism and deep love for our beautiful land. Compared to the heroic French La Marseillaise or spunky Slovakian Nad Tatrou sa blýská (which used to be the second part of Czechoslovakian anthem before 1993––more on that later), it’s not much. It seems to lack energy and fire… And I can’t help but compare their presidents to our old man when I hear the slow, sort of tired-sounding tune.

Czech Flag

Czech flag – Česká vlajka.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Czech Table of Contents
  1. The History of Czech Anthem: It Started with an Opera
  2. Lyrics of Kde domov můj
  3. When is it played?
  4. How Helps You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

1. The History of Czech Anthem: It Started with an Opera

Believe it or not, this piece was originally written for a patriotic opera comedy called Fidlovačka aneb Žádný hněv a žádná rvačka (“Fidlovačka, or No Anger and No Brawl”). In the play, written by Josef Kajetán Tyl and composed by František Škroup, it is performed during a very emotional, sad scene by a blind violinist. The author, Josef Kajetán Tyl, wasn’t sure about the song’s quality, and almost convinced the director to leave it out. He felt the composer’s version, as opposed to the festive chorale that he asked him to compose, was too sentimental.

Imagine his surprise when Fidlovačka became widely popular among the Czech audience who, at those dark times, striving for recognition and trying and failing to break free from the oppressive Habsburg monarchy––in 1834, people would grab every chance to be Czech, speak Czech, sing in Czech to affirm their national identity, and let the German empire know they would hold their ground no matter what.

It is hard to believe that some people found this sweet song “vulgar.”

    Czechs were only an ethnic minority, and the goal of the opera and the future anthem was to enhance the national feeling and pride.

Kde domov můj was soon accepted as an informal Czech anthem, and when Czechoslovakia, aka the First Republic, was founded in 1918, it became the first official anthem of the young country. Because of the ethnic and language diversity (it was VERY common to speak German at that time), the anthem was translated into German and Hungarian. The German version of the anthem was used between 1918 and 1938.

Fun Facts:

  1. The title of the play later became the name of a theater in Prague.
  1. The bilingual Czechoslovakian version was played in many Slovakian towns at noon before the countries split in 1993.
  1. Before Czechoslovakia was established, there was a long debate about whether the song was still suitable and whether there should be a more “serious” piece written for this noble purpose. Remember, opera was almost like today’s movies, and having a “movie soundtrack” as an anthem was considered almost frivolous by officials and folk.
  1. Here is a great example of typical Czech dark humor: “Do you know what would happen if the Jaslovské Bohunice powerplant (Slovakian nuclear powerplant) exploded? We would switch anthems: Slovaks would sing “Where My Home Is” and Czechs “Lightning over the Tatras.” 

2. Lyrics of Kde domov můj

    Although the Czech anthem has two stanzas, only the first one is played at ceremonies, important official events, and sports championships.


Patriot – Vlastenec.

A – Czech Anthem Lyrics and English Translation:

First verse:
Kde domov můj, kde domov můj,
“Where my home is, where my home is,”

voda hučí po lučinách,
“Streams are rushing through the meadows,”

bory šumí po skalinách,
“Midst the rocks sigh fragrant pine groves,”

v sadě skví se jara květ,
“Orchards decked in spring’s array,”

zemský ráj to na pohled!
“Scenes of paradise portray.”

A to je ta krásná země,
“And this land of wondrous beauty,”

země česká domov můj,
“Is the Czech land of my home,”

země česká domov můj!
“Is the Czech land of my home!”

Second verse:
Kde domov můj, kde domov můj,
“Where my home is, where my home is,”

v kraji znáš-li bohumilém
“If, in the heavenly land, you have met”

duše útlé v těle čilém,
“Slender souls in spry bodies,”

mysl jasnou, vznik a zdar
“Of clear mind, vigorous and prospering,”

a tu sílu vzdoru zmar,
“And with a strength that frustrates all defiance,”

to je Čechů slavné plémě
“That is the glorious nation of Czechs”

mezi Čechy domov můj!
“Among the Czechs (is) my home!”

mezi Čechy domov můj!
“Among the Czechs, my home!”

B – Czechoslovakian Anthem: 1918 – 1993

Before the countries split on the 1st of January, 1993, the first stanza and the Slovakian song Nad Tatrou sa blýská (“Lightning over the Tatras”, literally “Above Tatras it is lightning”)––written in 1844––formed the official, two-part, bilingual Czechoslovak anthem. 

    Both were played and sung in their respective languages, the first, Czech part in Czech, the second, Slovakian stanza, in Slovakian.

The main theme is a storm over the Tatra mountains––a symbol of danger threatening to the Slovakian people, and their strong desire to overcome all their hardships. This patriotic song was particularly popular during the national insurgencies in 1848 – 1849.


Czechoslovakia – Československo.

The Slovakian Part of Czechoslovakian Anthem:

Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú
“There is lightning over the Tatras, thunders wildly beat,”

Nad Tatrou sa blýska, hromy divo bijú
“There is lightning over the Tatras, thunders wildly beat.”

Zastavme ich, bratia, veď sa ony stratia,
“Let’s stop them, brethren, after all they’ll disappear,”

Slováci ožijú.
“the Slovaks will revive.”

Zastavme ich, bratia, veď sa ony stratia,
“Let’s stop them, brethren, after all they’ll disappear,”

Slováci ožijú.
“the Slovaks will revive.”

C – What Does the President Think?

Our former president Václav Klaus offers his opinion: “I hear it quite often––played now by a Kazakh orchestra, now by an Indian, Qatar or Israeli one. Their renderings are quite original. Recently I was in the United States, near Boston, at Brandeis University, and when I was entering the room to deliver my lecture, a jazz trio played our national anthem – an absolutely unconventional group of American jazzmen. By the way, the national anthem is a very frequent topic of my discussions with my counterparts. I often say: ‘It is interesting how slow, solemn and quiet our anthem is, compared to yours, which is youthful, striking and full of spirit.’ I approach the national anthem with great humbleness. It is a serious thing.”

The newest recording of the Czech national anthem was presented at a ceremony in the National Museum in Prague on the 28th of September 2008––the Day of Czech Statehood.

The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has been a member of the EU since 2004.

D – Related Vocabulary

Státní znakState Emblem
Standarta prezidenta republikyStandard of the President of the Republic
Státní svátekPublic holiday (or Bank holiday, you can find the list of Czech public holidays here)
Slavnostní ceremoniálFestive ceremony
Projev prezidenta republikySpeech by the President of the Republic

3. When is it played?

Kde domov můj is played at important, official speeches, memorial services and ceremonies and, of course, sports events (during championships and Olympics). 

    Basically, it’s played every time the Czech flag is raised, and when there’s a great victory or revolution.

Czech Anthem Videos:

Here’s a new version with beautiful scenery in the background:

This is a very emotional footage from the Velvet Revolution––end of communist era––from 1989, sung by two widely popular Czech singers. It contains the Slovakian part as well:

Czechoslovak Flag

The 28th of October: Independent Czechoslovak State Day, of many Czech bank holidays.

4. How Helps You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

That’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new! In case the location words and phrases listed in this article weren’t enough for you, and you want to keep learning, please check out our Basic Bootcamp – the very basic grammar and vocab in 5 compact lessons.

If you’re taking Czech language learning seriously, and want to learn Czech fast, free and online, you might grab a Czech grammar book or learn online (which is way more convenient). Seriously, learning a new skill has never been easier. Just grab your phone and get to work! will make learning Czech easy, exciting, and fun. With us, it’s not about endless memorizing or thick textbooks. Learn Czech the better way – with us, you’ll make progress faster than you could imagine!

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One last thing: Let us know in the comments if you like the Czech anthem, and how you feel when your country’s national anthem is playing. Share some useful tips and tricks!

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All You Ever Wanted To Know About Czech Culture


Are you learning Czech, planning to visit the Czech Republic, starting a business here, or even settling down in this cute, Central European country? Great! I’m sure you want to know more than just the basic info (like what the currency is and whether it’s okay to look a stranger in the eye…). 

Learning about Czech culture is essential if you want to really understand not just the language, but also how things work here.

And let me tell you, just about everything is different here than in the U.S. or Western and Eastern Europe.

As you explore Czech culture and customs, you’ll find that they share a lot in common with those of Austria or Germany. These two countries have greatly influenced the attitudes, traditions, and cuisine of the Czech Republic—and no wonder! The Czech Republic was part of the Austria-Hungary Empire for centuries and only became autonomous in 1918. Not so long ago, right? Another aspect to consider is its geographical position in the heart of Europe, which has fostered influences from surrounding countries. 

One thing that might surprise you is that while we speak a Slavic language, our political, economic, and social structures have shifted toward Western European trends.

Do you feel ready to continue exploring this unique culture? Then read on! 

In this lesson, you’ll learn about Czech values, religions, family and work life, traditions, food, and art.If this seems like a bit much, you might want to start with this quick overview of the Czech culture and language.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Czech Table of Contents
  1. Values and Beliefs
  2. Philosophies and Religions
  3. Family and Work Life
  4. Art and Architecture
  5. Cuisine and Food
  6. Traditional Holidays
  7. How Can Help You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

1. Values and Beliefs

A key component in understanding Czech culture is knowing what values Czechs hold important, and why.

To start, here’s the typical Czech attitude and approach to life: 

    Careful planning in business and personal life, and a strong need for a sense of security. 

Even though things have changed since the Communist era, most people still value security. It’s safe to say that Czechs aren’t risk-takers.

For example, Czechs are unlikely to support a business idea if the outcome is uncertain, and mottos like “Think Big” are frowned upon here. 

    Czech people value a forward-thinking, logical, efficient, and practical approach.

Another thing you need to know before you make false assumptions about the Czech nature is this: Czechs are very private people…until they get to know you. We often seem formal and reserved and it’s considered impolite to ask “a newcomer” too many questions.

    Don’t be surprised if your new Czech colleagues seem a bit aloof. Invite them out for a beer or a glass of wine, and you’ll see how quickly things change!

Even after you’ve developed a personal relationship (first name basis or after your first hangover), Czechs do open up a bit, but we are never overly emotional. There will be no hugs, no beaming, and certainly no ‘I love yous.’

When it comes to problem-solving and jarred situations, Czechs tend to be extremely non-confrontational. This isn’t because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. We simply don’t want to get involved. Even in more extreme situations that would be impossible not to notice, we might turn a blind eye. 

Which leads us to: 

    We can get super passive aggressive. Let’s call it an indirect approach, shall we?

If you’re very new to the Czech culture, make sure to check out these useful Czech phrases and greetings. You know what they say: You might be awesome, but if you don’t make a good first impression, nothing else matters.

A Man Making Plans on His Smartphone

Everything in life has to be carefully planned.

2. Philosophies and Religions

Christianity is the dominant religion in the Czech Republic…but we are one of the least religious societies in Europe. Yep. We love Christmas and St. Nicholas Day (more on that later), but to most Czechs, they’re just lovely traditions without any spiritual meaning.

Let’s look at some dry facts:

    In 1910, Roman Catholicism was the professed religion of 96.5% of the Czech people.
    In 2011, the population’s proportion of Roman Catholic Church members decreased from 26.8% to 10.4%.

The decline began right after World War I and the breakup of the Austria-Hungary Empire, partly due to a mass movement that promoted anti-Austrian and anticlerical sentiments.

The communist regime (1948-1989) quickly dissolved the rest of the religion in the Czech Republic. The government (to which religion of any kind became undesirable) confiscated most of the Church’s property.

The philosophy behind this? If our Russian comrades didn’t need God, why should our working class? 

3. Family and Work Life

In the Czech Republic, family is the center of our social structure.

When it comes to relationships and dynamics, the Czech family culture gets a bit more complicated. Obligation to the family is the most important priority, but this only applies to the closest family members—children, parents, and sometimes siblings. Family gatherings and Sunday lunches are quite common, but they’re usually pretty small and private.

Several Family Members Stacking Their Hands

Family first.

If you’re new to the Czech work environment, refrain from using someone’s first name or an informal greeting. These are signs of friendship and it is considered rude to use informal language with colleagues unless the other party has indicated it’s okay. This bridge to informal communication should be offered by the woman, the older person, or the person of higher status.

    When it comes to business and closing deals, don’t expect things to move forward swiftly.

The Czech business culture facilitates a slower pace of getting things done, especially when strangers or foreigners are involved. It will probably take more than just one meeting for your Czech business associates to become familiar with you. Czechs generally don’t trust strangers and they’re slightly scared of new things. If you want to succeed, you should practice meditation if patience isn’t one of your strongest virtues.


    Czechs are too polite (and afraid of a direct approach or confrontation) to tell you “no” right away. You might often hear “we will see” and “it’s complicated” and “perhaps.” These statements typically indicate a negative answer.

If you’re getting ready for a business meeting in the Czech Republic, you might find these basic conversational phrases useful. They make a great basis for any kind of meeting or conversation in Czech.

4. Art and Architecture

The Czech Republic is famous worldwide for its outstanding handmade Bohemian glass and crystal—each piece mouth-blown and manually decorated. 

If you’re a fan of art, you might be familiar with the name Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939). He was one of the best Czech painters and decorative artists, and in his time, he was pretty much a celebrity. Companies hired him to draw advertisements for them and he collected very nice sums for his labor.

Mucha is best known for his series of 20 large canvases named The Slav Epic. By the way, large means large. 26 by 20 feet on average. This pompous work of art depicts the history of Czechs and other Slavic peoples. 

There is a strong Czech tradition in the graphic arts. Czechs love caricature, and it was even more popular during hard times…for example, before World War II. Josef Čapek (who was an older brother of the writer Karel Čapek, who happens to be the guy who invented the word “robot”) is remembered for a series of drawings entitled The Dictator’s Boots. This was from the time when Adolf Hitler’s star was rising higher. 

Czech graphic art is usually based on popular, narrative art.

Since the nineteenth century, Czech painters and graphic artists have followed European movements, but Realism generally prevails. 

Czech art traditions feature a mix of German and Slavic influences, though our architecture is strikingly influenced by Italy. Our capital, Prague, is a beautiful gem with breathtaking Renaissance and Baroque architecture.

If you’re more into modern architecture, you won’t be disappointed. The clean and sharp Functionalist style became very popular in the 1920s and there are numerous villas, apartment buildings and interiors, factories, office blocks, and even cafés all over the country displaying this style.

5. Cuisine and Food

You can probably guess that the table manners in the Czech Republic are Continental: the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. Unlike Americans, we don’t typically put the knife down while eating and we keep the fork in our left hand throughout the entire meal.

Have you been invited to a family lunch? There are a few rules to follow:

1. The oldest or honored guest is generally served first.

2. You will be offered second helpings. You should refuse and wait for the hostess to insist.

3. Compliment the meal while eating. Ask for the recipe even though you know you’ll never make the meal at home.

4. When you’ve finished, lay your knife and fork across the right side of your plate.

The typical Czech meal consists of soup as a starter and a meat-heavy entrée. 

The Czech diet contains lots of pork, beef, poultry, and organ meats such as liver and kidneys. The most typical side dishes are dumplings, cabbage, or potatoes. You’ll probably feel very full after a meal, even though the portion sizes are nowhere near the average American ones.

Deep-fried Breaded Carp

Deep-fried breaded carp is a popular Christmas Eve dinner.

6. Traditional Holidays

There are seven public (bank) holidays in the Czech Republic: 

  • New Year’s Day (January 1) – This is also the Day of Recovery of the Independent Czech State, which took place in 1993.
  • Liberation Day (May 8)
  • Day of Slavonic Apostles Cyril and Methodius (July 5)
  • Jan Hus Day (July 6)
  • Day of Czech Statehood / St. Wenceslas Day (September 28)
  • Independence Day (October 28) – It has nothing in common with the American Fourth of July; it’s the anniversary of the establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia in 1918.
  • Day of Students’ Fight for Freedom and Democracy (November 17)

On top of that, there are three Christmas days, and Easter Monday.

Even though most Czechs are atheist, they celebrate Christian holidays including Easter and Christmas. These holidays were recognized even during the Communist era. 

Our main Christmas holiday is Christmas Eve, when families decorate their Christmas trees while watching TV and eating Christmas cookies. The dinner traditionally consists of fish (preferably carp), or pork or chicken schnitzel, with potato salad.

Like I mentioned earlier, Czechs are very family-oriented and private. This means it’s not common to invite friends over during Christmas.

A Variety of Czech Christmas Cookies

Czech Christmas cookies are quite elaborate and are usually made two to three weeks ahead.

7. How Can Help You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

We hope you enjoyed this lesson on Czech traditions and culture. Did you learn anything new? How does Czech culture compare to that in your country? We look forward to hearing from you! 

If you’re taking your Czech studies seriously, you have two solid options: grab a Czech grammar book or learn online. We think the latter is much more convenient, don’t you? will make learning Czech easy, exciting, and fun. With us, it’s not about endless memorizing or thick textbooks. Learn Czech with us and make progress faster than you could imagine!

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Zjevení Páně: Celebrate Epiphany in the Czech Republic

Epiphany in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, Epiphany (sometimes referred to as Three Kings Day), is a major Christian holiday with many fun traditions. From swimming in the Vltava River in Prague to watching men travel by camel for charity, Epiphany traditions in the Czech Republic are really something else!

In this article, you’ll learn more about how Czechs celebrate Epiphany as well as the stories behind the holiday.

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1. What is Epiphany?

Epiphany is a very old holiday. According to the Orthodox Church, this is the day Jesus Christ was baptized in the River Jordan. Thus the holiday is also called “Baptism of the Lord.”

According to Christianity, at the baptism of Jesus Christ, the secret of the Holy Trinity appeared—the Son Jesus Christ in human form, the Holy Spirit as a dove alighting upon Jesus, and the Divine Voice of the Heavenly Father.

Some Christians also celebrate Epiphany as the day the Tři Králové, or “Magi,” visited the Baby Jesus with their gifts. Thus, in the Czech Republic, Epiphany has become largely associated with charity and giving to those less fortunate.

2. Epiphany Date

Statue of Children Caroling

Each year, the Czech Republic celebrates Epiphany on January 6.

3. How Do Czechs Celebrate Epiphany?

Christmas Cookies

A popular Epiphany celebration in the Czech Republic is the traditional Three Kings swimming. Several men who feel up to the challenge go for a freezing-cold swim in the Vltava River, carried deep into the waters by boat.

Later on in the day, Prague marks Epiphany with three men dressed as the Magi proceeding on camels through Malostranské Square to the Old Town Square. This is meant to be a reenactment of the wise men’s journey to the Baby Jesus; once this is complete, the Půlnoční mše, or “midnight mass,” begins.

Children greatly enjoy celebrating Epiphany. Dressed as the Magi, they go from door-to-door and sing each person a koleda, or “carol,” in hopes of getting candies and Christmas cookies. Some children choose to ask for money to give to charity. After the house has been visited, the letters K, M, and B are written on it. It’s disputed whether these letters represent the first initials of each of the wise men, or if they’re taken from the Latin phrase “Christus mansionem benedicat.”

Like on most festive occasions, Czechs love to eat on Epiphany. A few favorite foods include carp (kapr), potato salad (bramborový salát), and of course, children are always glad when they receive a Christmas cookie (Cukroví) or two!

4. Bad Luck?

There are some people who believe that leaving the Christmas tree decorations up after Epiphany is a bad idea. Superstition says that doing so is just asking for bad luck!

So, on Epiphany, people who haven’t yet put away every single ozdoba, or “Christmas tree decoration,” may take some time to do that before the real festivities begin.

If you want to read a little bit more about this superstition around the world, check out this article by The Telegraph!

5. Must-Know Czech Vocabulary for Epiphany

A Sparkler

Ready to review some of the vocabulary we covered in this article? Here’s the essential Czech vocabulary you should know for Epiphany!

  • Svíčka — “Candle”
  • Kapr — “Carp”
  • Půlnoční mše — “Midnight mas”
  • Koleda — “Carol”
  • Zlaté prasátko — “Golden pig”
  • Bramborový salát — “Potato salad”
  • Ježíšek — “Jesus”
  • Zjevení Páně — “Epiphany”
  • Ozdoba — “Christmas tree decoration
  • Prskavka — “Sparkler”
  • Cukroví — “Christmas cookie”
  • Stromeček — “Christmas tree”
  • Tři Králové — “Magi”
  • Betlém — “Christmas Crib”

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Czech Epiphany vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Epiphany in the Czech Republic with us!

Do you celebrate Epiphany in your country? If so, how? Let us know in the comments!

If you’re interested in learning more about Czech culture, or just want some more wintery words to get you through the next couple of months, you may find the following pages useful:

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Happy Czech learning! 🙂

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The Czech Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day

On the Czech Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day, the Czech Republic commemorates two of the most important events in its recent history, both of which helped to set in motion the end of communist rule. This is something that many Czechs, particularly students, fought for; some lost their lives, and many faced arrest, to help the country gain its freedom and democracy. Thus, this has become one of the most important holidays in the Czech Republic today.

In this article, you’ll learn about the history surrounding this holiday, how Czechs observe it today, and what it means to them. At, we aim to make every aspect of your language-learning journey both fun and informative!

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1. What is Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day?

The Day of Struggle for Freedom and Democracy is connected with two events:

The latter of these events marked the beginning of the so-called Velvet Revolution and started the downfall of socialism in Czechoslovakia.

1- The History

On 17th November, 1989, students held a protest in Czechoslovakia in opposition to the Communist Party. Riot police stepped in and responded violently to what began as a peaceful protest.

Following this, students and actors united and agreed to go on strike. Non-violent protests continued for several days after this. Since the media was controlled by the Communist government, protestors spread the word by posting homemade signs in public places.

On November 24, 1989, all of the top leaders of the Communist Party resigned, including party chairman Milos Jakes. The revolution ended on December 29, 1989, and Czechoslovakia became a parliamentary republic, ending forty-one years of Communist rule.

The revolution succeeded so quickly—in just a few weeks—that supporters of the revolution had to step in to take control of the government and run things. On December 29, Vaclav Havel was elected the first president of the republic.

Due to the huge role students played in this revolution, this is also celebrated as International Students’ Day.

2. When is Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day?

A Wreath

Each year, the Czech people observe Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day on 17th November.

3. Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day Events

People Going on Strike

The atmosphere of the holiday matches the gravity of the historical events being commemorated. Celebrations most often have the character of official memorials. On Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day, Prague’s National Avenue holds special memorials, as do other locations where events related to the holiday took place. The National Avenue is where the 1989 intervention of security forces against students occurred.

People also light candles and lay wreaths at locations associated with the tragic events of 1939. Close to Wenceslas Square, where the demonstrators were shot, and in the former Ruzyne barracks, where the leaders of the student revolt were executed. Nazi repression resulted in the executions of student leaders, the arrests of hundreds of other students, internment in the concentration camps, and the closing of Czech universities.

The celebrations also include social events that are organized by state officials for public figures and broadcast by the media. Those also present viewers and listeners with personal memories of the demonstrators mainly from the 1989 period, and they voice opinions on the transformation of Czech society since 1989.

And, of course, considering the political nature of Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day, Czech Republic citizens often organize political demonstrations on an array of topics.

4. Who was Václav Havel?

Václav Havel was the last Czechoslovak president and the first president of the Czech Republic, from 1989 to 2003. Havel was also a dramatic, essayist, and poet. He wrote more than twenty plays and novels, and some of them were internationally translated.

In 2005, he was ranked fourth in the TOP 100 of leading intellectuals, according to Prospect Magazine. He also received a Medal of Freedom from the U.S. President, as well as Mahatma Gandhi’s Peace Award.

Further, Havel served as director of the Human Rights Foundation in New York, where he lived until his death in 2011.

5. Essential Vocabulary for this Czech Holiday

A Student

Here’s some Czech vocabulary you need to know for International Students’ Day/Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day!

  • Klíč — “Key”
  • Student — “Student
  • Policista — “Policeman”
  • Den boje za svobodu a demokracii — “Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day”
  • Stávka — “Strike”
  • Svoboda — “Freedom”
  • Demokracie — “Democracy”
  • Komunismus — “Communism”
  • Václavské náměstí — “Wenceslas Square”
  • Zvonit klíčemi — “Jingle with keys”
  • Bít — “Beat”

To hear each of the vocabulary words pronounced, and read them alongside a relevant image, be sure to check out our Czech Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day is a holiday of great importance in the Czech Republic, and the events behind it hold massive weight. We hope you learned something interesting today, and that you gained something valuable from this lesson.

Does your country have a similar holiday? If so, how do you celebrate or commemorate it? Tell us about it in the comments; we look forward to hearing from you!

Learning about a country’s culture is one of the most fascinating and enriching aspects of trying to master its language. If more Czech Republic cultural information is what you’re after, we think you’ll enjoy the following pages on also has numerous other learning tools in store for you. All you have to do is take a couple of minutes to create your free lifetime account today!

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Czech Holidays: The Day of Burning Jan Hus

Who was Jan Hus, and why do the Czech people have a holiday in commemoration of his burning? Czech martyr Jan Hus burned at the stake in 1415 for his beliefs and teachings, which spurred rebellion against foreign intervention.

In learning about Jan Hus beliefs, as well as this Czech reformer’s life and legacy, you’re opening the floodgates to Czech cultural knowledge! And as any successful language-learner can tell you, knowing a country’s culture is essential in mastering its language.

At, we hope to make your learning journey both fun and informative, starting now with the Czech martyr Jan Hus.

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1. What is the Day of Burning Jan Hus?

On July 6, 1415, a prominent Czech reformer and scholar named Jan Hus was burned at the stake for his opinions at the Church Council in Constance. His death sparked a rebellion in Bohemia and the Hussite wars against opponents of his doctrine, and against foreign intervention.

Although Jan Hus was the reformer of the Czech language, his last words, addressed to an ordinary woman who brought a log to his stake, were said in Latin: Sancta simplicitas! meaning “Holy simplicity!”

2. When is Jan Hus Day?

Depiction of a Martyr

The Czech Republic observes the Day of Burning Jan Hus each year on July 6.

3. Reading Practice: Jan Hus Day Traditions

A Priest

How do the Czech people commemorate the burning of Jan Hus? Read the Czech text below to find out! You can find the English translation directly below it.

  • Svátek, budící i po staletích politické i teologické vášně, byl ustanoven po vzniku Československa v roce 1918. Oslavy mají spíše oficiální ráz, na vzpomínkových akcích vystupují veřejné osobnosti a politikové. Součástí oslav bývají slavnostní ceremonie, pořádané především Československou církví husitskou, která se plně hlásí k Husovým teologickým názorům.

    Slavit svátek Jana Husa je možné i učením češtiny, neboť je třeba mít na paměti, že Jan Hus byl také jazykovědcem a výzamně ovlivnil podobu českého jazyka. Jeho největší přínos spočívá v tom, že zjednodušil psaní zavedením háčků a čárek a také položil základy spisovné češtiny.

  • The feast, which inflames political and theological passions even centuries later, was established after the founding of Czechoslovakia in 1918. The celebrations tend to have a more official character and public figures and politicians appear at the commemorative events. Part of the celebrations are festive ceremonies organized especially by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church, which is fully committed to the Hus theological views.

    You can also celebrate the feast of Jan Hus by learning Czech, since it is important to remember that Jan Hus was also a linguist and considerably influenced the shape of the Czech language. His greatest contribution lies in the simplification of writing by introducing accents, and he also laid the foundations of literary Czech language.

    4. Where Did Jan Hus Preach?

    What chapel did Jan Hus preach in during his life?

    It’s called Bethlehem Chapel and it still stands in Prague’s New Town, managed by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. During his lifetime, Hus, who was then-rector of Prague University, preached and criticized social and religious ills in this place.

    Every year on Hus Day, a festive church service takes place here, honoring his memory.

    Another place often associated with Jan Hus is Charles University (Prague), where Hus was a dean.

    5. Vocabulary You Should Know for Jan Hus Day

    Woman with Chalk Drawing of Light Bulb Above head

    Here’s some vocabulary you should know for the Day of Burning Jan Hus!

    • Smrt — Death
    • Den upálení mistra Jana Husa — Jan Hus Day
    • Kněz — Priest
    • Křížová výprava — Crusade
    • Karlova univerzita — Charles University
    • Upálení — Burning
    • Kazatel — Preacher
    • Mučedník — Martyr
    • Myšlenka — Idea
    • Kacíř — Heretic
    • Reforma — Reformation
    • Rektor — Rector

    To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, check out our Jan Hus Day vocabulary list.


    We hope you enjoyed learning about Jan Hus Day Prague traditions with us, and that you took away something valuable from this lesson! The legacy of Jan Hus is truly a significant aspect of Czech culture even today.

    To continue learning about Czech culture and the language, visit us at! We provide an array of fun and practical learning tools for every learner, including free Czech vocabulary lists and more insightful blog posts like this one. You can also upgrade to Premium Plus to begin learning with your own personal teacher through our MyTeacher program!

    Wherever you decide to start, and no matter where you are in your language-learning journey, know that your hard work will pay off! And will be here with you every step of the way.

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    How to Say Happy New Year in Czech & New Year Wishes

    Learn all the Czech New Year wishes online, in your own time, on any device! Join CzechClass101 for a special Czech New Year celebration!

    How to Say Happy New Year in Czech

    Can you relate to the year passing something like this: “January, February, March – December!”? Many people do! Quantum physics teaches us that time is relative, and few experiences illustrate this principle as perfectly as when we reach the end of a year. To most of us, it feels like the old one has passed in the blink of an eye, while the new year lies ahead like a very long journey! However, New Year is also a time to celebrate beginnings, and to say goodbye to what has passed. This is true in every culture, no matter when New Year is celebrated.

    So, how do you say Happy New Year in Czech? Let a native teach you! At CzechClass101, you will learn how to correctly greet your friends over New Year, and wish them well with these Czech New Year wishes!

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    Table of Contents

    1. How to Celebrate New Year in Czech Republic
    2. Must-Know Czech Words & Phrases for the New Year!
    3. Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions in Czech
    4. Inspirational New Year Quotes
    5. Inspirational Language Learning Quotes
    6. How To Say Happy New Year in 31 Languages
    7. How CzechClass101 Can Help You Learn Czech

    But let’s start with some vocabulary for Czech New Year celebrations, very handy for conversations.

    1. How to Celebrate New Year in Czech Republic

    Just like in all European countries, the New Year in the Czech Republic is among the most eventful celebrations of the year. It is also called Silvester, after St. Silvester, whose feast is on the last day of the year, December 31.

    Do you know what a New Year’s resolution is and why Czechs keep making them?

    If you don’t already know, you’ll find out a bit later, so keep reading!

    New Year celebrations begin in the afternoon or evening of the previous day, on New Year’s Eve. While it can also be celebrated with the family, typical celebrations include a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. A good tradition is for people to gather in the squares of towns and villages before midnight, with everybody counting down the last seconds of the old year and celebrating the arrival of the new one with the thunderous opening of champagne bottles and the setting off of rockets, firecrackers, and fireworks.

    The celebrations are inseparable from heavy alcohol consumption, which significantly contributes to the exuberant atmosphere. There is also food; typically there are all kinds of sandwiches, canapes, and other delicatessen products. The sipping is crowned by the New Year’s toast at midnight when the old year ends and the new year begins. At that moment, people wish each other a Happy New Year and send out emails and SMS greetings. New Year’s celebrations usually last until the morning hours.

    A: stop smoking, start working out, and lose weight. Not everyone can stick with it. However, it ==does not matter. There is another new year coming and with it another opportunity for a resolution.

    The main motto of the New Year’s day is saying, as on New Year, so throughout the rest of the year, meaning that the way we will spend the first day of the new year will be the way we spend the entire year.

    And now, the answer to the earlier question.

    Do you know what a New Year’s resolution is and why Czechs keep making them?

    The New Year’s resolution is the promise that the Czechs usually make on New Year’s day. It’s a commitment to do something positive in your life.

    Happy New Year!

    Šťastný Nový Rok!

    2. Must-Know Czech Words & Phrases for the New Year!

    Czech Words & Phrases for the New Year

    1- Year


    This is pretty self-explanatory. Most countries follow a Gregorian calendar, which has approximately 365 days in a year, while in some cultures, other year designations are also honored. Therefore, New Year’s day in Czech Republic could fall on a different day than in your country. When do you celebrate New Year?

    2- Midnight


    The point in time when a day ends and a new one starts. Many New Year celebrants prefer to stay awake till midnight, and greet the new annum as it breaks with fanfare and fireworks!

    3- New Year’s Day

    Nový Rok

    In most countries, the new year is celebrated for one whole day. On the Gregorian calendar, this falls on January 1st. On this day, different cultures engage in festive activities, like parties, parades, big meals with families and many more.

    You can do it!

    4- Party


    A party is most people’s favorite way to end the old year, and charge festively into the new one! We celebrate all we accomplished in the old year, and joyfully anticipate what lies ahead.

    5- Dancing


    Usually, when the clock strikes midnight and the New Year officially begins, people break out in dance! It is a jolly way to express a celebratory mood with good expectations for the year ahead. Also, perhaps, that the old year with its problems has finally passed! Dance parties are also a popular way to spend New Year’s Eve in many places.

    6- Champagne


    Originating in France, champagne is a bubbly, alcoholic drink that is often used to toast something or someone during celebrations.

    7- Fireworks


    These are explosives that cause spectacular effects when ignited. They are popular for announcing the start of the new year with loud noises and colorful displays! In some countries, fireworks are set off to scare away evil spirits. In others, the use of fireworks is forbidden in urban areas due to their harmful effect on pets. Most animals’ hearing is much more sensitive than humans’, so this noisy display can be very frightful and traumatising to them.

    Happy Near Year!

    8- Countdown


    This countdown refers to New Year celebrants counting the seconds, usually backward, till midnight, when New Year starts – a great group activity that doesn’t scare animals, and involves a lot of joyful shouting when the clock strikes midnight!

    9- New Year’s Holiday

    Novoroční dovolená

    In many countries, New Year’s Day is a public holiday – to recuperate from the party the previous night, perhaps! Families also like to meet on this day to enjoy a meal and spend time together.

    10- Confetti


    In most Western countries, confetti is traditionally associated with weddings, but often it is used as a party decoration. Some prefer to throw it in the air at the strike of midnight on New Year’s Eve.

    11- New Year’s Eve


    This is the evening before New Year breaks at midnight! Often, friends and family meet for a party or meal the evening before, sometimes engaging in year-end rituals. How are you planning to give your New Year greetings in 2018?

    12- Toast


    A toast is a type of group-salutation that involves raising your glass to drink with others in honor of something or someone. A toast to the new year is definitely in order!

    13- Resolution


    Those goals or intentions you hope to, but seldom keep in the new year! Many people consider the start of a new year to be the opportune time for making changes or plans. Resolutions are those intentions to change, or the plans. It’s best to keep your resolutions realistic so as not to disappoint yourself!

    14- Parade


    New Year celebrations are a huge deal in some countries! Parades are held in the streets, often to celebratory music, with colorful costumes and lots of dancing. Parades are like marches, only less formal and way more fun. At CzechClass101, you can engage in forums with natives who can tell you what Czech New Year celebrations are like!

    3. Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions

    New Year’s Resolutions List

    So, you learned the Czech word for ‘resolution’. Fabulous! Resolutions are those goals and intentions that we hope to manifest in the year that lies ahead. The beginning of a new year serves as a good marker in time to formalise these. Some like to do it in writing, others only hold these resolutions in their hearts. Here are our Top 10 New Year’s resolutions at CzechClass101 – what are yours?

    Learn these phrases and impress your Czech friends with your vocabulary.

    New Year's Resolutions

    1- Read more

    Přečtěte si více.

    Reading is a fantastic skill that everyone can benefit from. You’re a business person? Apparently, successful business men and women read up to 60 books a year. This probably excludes fiction, so better scan your library or Amazon for the top business reads if you plan to follow in the footsteps of the successful! Otherwise, why not make it your resolution to read more Czech in the new year? You will be surprised by how much this will improve your Czech language skills!

    2- Spend more time with family

    Trávit více času s rodinou.

    Former US President George Bush’s wife, Barbara Bush, was quoted as having said this: “At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, a parent.” This is very true! Relationships are often what gives life meaning, so this is a worthy resolution for any year.

    3- Lose weight


    Hands up, how many of you made this new year’s resolution last year too…?! This is a notoriously difficult goal to keep, as it takes a lot of self discipline not to eat unhealthily. Good luck with this one, and avoid unhealthy fad diets!

    4- Save money

    Šetřete peníze.

    Another common and difficult resolution! However, no one has ever been sorry when they saved towards reaching a goal. Make it your resolution to save money to upgrade your subscription to CzechClass101’s Premium PLUS option in the new year – it will be money well spent!

    5- Quit smoking

    Přestat kouřit.

    This is a resolution that you should definitely keep, or your body could punish you severely later! Smoking is a harmful habit with many hazardous effects on your health. Do everything in your power to make this resolution come true in the new year, as your health is your most precious asset.

    6- Learn something new

    Naučit se něco nového.

    Science has proven that learning new skills can help keep brain diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s at bay! It can even slow down the progression of the disease. So, keep your brain healthy by learning to speak a new language, studying towards a qualification, learning how to sew, or how to play chess – no matter how old you are, the possibilities are infinite!

    7- Drink less

    Pijte méně.

    This is another health resolution that is good to heed any time of the year. Excessive drinking is associated with many diseases, and its effect can be very detrimental to good relationships too. Alcohol is a poison and harmful for the body in large quantities!

    8- Exercise regularly

    Pravidelně cvičit.

    This resolution goes hand-in-hand with ‘Lose weight’! An inactive body is an unhealthy and often overweight one, so give this resolution priority in the new year.

    9- Eat healthy

    Jíst zdravě.

    If you stick with this resolution, you will lose weight and feel better in general. It is a very worthy goal to have!

    10- Study Czech with CzechClass101

    studovat češtinu s

    Of course! You can only benefit from learning Czech, especially with us! Learning how to speak Czech can keep your brain healthy, it can widen your circle of friends, and improve your chances to land a dream job anywhere in the world. CzechClass101 makes it easy and enjoyable for you to stick to this resolution.

    4. Inspirational New Year Quotes

    Inspirational Quotes

    Everyone knows that it is sometimes very hard to stick to resolutions, and not only over New Year. The reasons for this vary from person to person, but all of us need inspiration every now and then! A good way to remain motivated is to keep inspirational quotes near as reminders that it’s up to us to reach our goals.

    Click here for quotes that will also work well in a card for a special Czech new year greeting!

    Make decorative notes of these in Czech, and keep them close! Perhaps you could stick them above your bathroom mirror, or on your study’s wall. This way you not only get to read Czech incidentally, but also remain inspired to reach your goals! Imagine feeling like giving up on a goal, but reading this quote when you go to the bathroom: “It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.” What a positive affirmation!

    5. Inspirational Language Learning Quotes

    Language Learning Quotes

    Still undecided whether you should enroll with CzechClass101 to learn a new language? There’s no time like the present to decide! Let the following Language Learning Quotes inspire you with their wisdom.

    Click here to read the most inspirational Language Learning Quotes!

    As legendary President Nelson Mandela once said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” So, learning how to say Happy New Year in Czech could well be a way into someone special’s heart for you! Let this year be the one where you to learn how to say Happy New Year, and much more, in Czech – it could open many and unexpected doors for you.

    6. How To Say Happy New Year in 31 Languages

    Here’s a lovely bonus for you! Why stop with Czech – learn how to say Happy New Year in 31 other languages too! Watch this video and learn how to pronounce these New Year’s wishes like a native in under two minutes.

    7. Why Enrolling with CzechClass101 Would Be the Perfect New Year’s Gift to Yourself!

    If you are unsure how to celebrate the New Year, why not give yourself a huge gift, and enroll to learn Czech! With more than 12 years of experience behind us, we know that CzechClass101 would be the perfect fit for you. There are so many reasons for this!

    Learning Paths

    • Custom-tailored Learning Paths: Start learning Czech at the level that you are. We have numerous Learning Pathways, and we tailor them just for you based on your goals and interests! What a boon!
    • Marked Progress and Fresh Learning Material Every Week: We make new lessons available every week, with an option to track your progress. Topics are culturally appropriate and useful, such as “Learning how to deliver negative answers politely to a business partner.” Our aim is to equip you with Czech that makes sense!
    • Multiple Learning Tools: Learn in fun, easy ways with resources such 1,000+ video and audio lessons, flashcards, detailed PDF downloads, and mobile apps suitable for multiple devices!
    • Fast Track Learning Option: If you’re serious about fast-tracking your learning, Premium Plus would be the perfect way to go! Enjoy perks such as personalised lessons with ongoing guidance from your own, native-speaking teacher, and one-on-one learning on your mobile app! You will not be alone in your learning. Weekly assignments with non-stop feedback, answers and corrections will ensure speedy progress.
    • Fun and Easy: Keeping the lessons fun and easy-to-learn is our aim, so you will stay motivated by your progress!

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    There’s no reason not to go big in 2018 by learning Czech with CzechClass101. Just imagine how the world can open up for you!

    How to Say ‘Merry Christmas’ in Czech

    How to Say Merry Christmas in Czech

    Do you know any ways to wish someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ in Czech? CzechClass101 brings you easy-to-learn translations and the correct pronunciation of Czech Christmas phrases!

    Christmas is the annual commemorative festival of Christ’s birth in the Western Christian Church. It takes place on December 25th and is usually celebrated with much food and fanfare! However, not all cultures celebrate Christmas. In some countries, Christmas is not even a public holiday! However, many countries have adapted Christmas and its religious meaning to tally with their own beliefs, or simply in acknowledgment of the festival’s importance to other cultures. If you want to impress native Czech speakers with culturally-appropriate Christmas phrases and vocabulary, CzechClass101 will teach you the most important ways to wish someone a ‘Merry Christmas’ in Czech!

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    Table of Contents

    1. How to Celebrate Christmas in Czech Republic
    2. Holiday Greetings and Wishes
    3. Must-Know Christmas Day Vocabulary
    4. Twelve Days of Christmas
    5. Top 10 Christmas Characters
    6. How CzechClass101 Can Help You

    1. How to Celebrate Christmas in Czech Republic

    Christmas Words in Czech

    There are many interesting customs and superstitions associated with Christmas
    in the Czech Republic. No one is to turn on any lights in the house on Christmas Eve until the first star appears in the sky. The dinner table must be set for an even number of places, because an odd number is believed to bring bad luck. Dinner consists of nine courses, but no alcohol may be served. Everyone must completely clear their plate of food, and no one may get up from the table before the meal is finished. Doing so is believed to bring bad luck. Everyone must get up from the table at the same time because it is believed that the first person to stand up from the table will be the first to die in the New Year.

    2. Holiday Greetings and Wishes for the Holiday Season

    Holiday Greetings and Wishes

    1- Merry Christmas!

    Veselé Vánoce!

    Do you know how to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in Czech? Learn here how to pronounce it perfectly! ‘Merry’ means to be joyful, to celebrate and generally be in good spirits. So, with this phrase you are wishing someone a joyful, celebratory remembrance of Christ’s birth!

    2- Happy Kwanzaa!

    Šťastné Kwanzaa!

    Surprise your African-American, or West African native friends with this phrase over the Christmas holidays! Kwanzaa is a seven-day, non-religious celebration, starting on Dec 26th each year. It has its roots in African American modern history, and many people celebrate both Kwanzaa and Christmas!

    3- Have a happy New Year!

    Šťastný Nový Rok!

    In countries where Christmas is not officially celebrated, but a Gregorian calendar is observed, this would be a friendly festive-season wish over New Year.

    4- Happy Hanukkah!

    Šťastnou Chanuku!

    Hanukkah is the beautiful Hebrew festival over November or December each year. It is also called the ‘Festival of Lights’ and is celebrated to commemorate the Jewish freedom of religion.

    5- Have a great winter vacation!

    Pěknou dovolenou!

    This is a good phrase to keep handy if someone doesn’t observe any religious festival over the Christmas holidays! However, this will only be applicable in the Northern hemisphere, where it is winter over Christmas.

    6- See you next year!

    Uvidíme se příští rok!

    Going away on holiday over Christmas season, or saying goodbye to someone about to leave on vacation? This would be a good way to say goodbye to your friends and family.

    7- Warm wishes!

    Všechno nejlepší!

    An informal, friendly phrase to write in Czech Christmas cards, especially for secular friends who prefer to observe Christmas celebrations without the religious symbolism. It conveys the warmth of friendship and friendly wishes associated with this time of year.

    8- Happy holidays!

    Pěkné prázdniny!

    If you forget how to say ‘Merry Christmas!’ in Czech, this is a safe, generic phrase to use instead.

    9- Enjoy the holidays!

    Užijte si dovolenou!

    After saying ‘Merry Christmas’ in Czech, this would be a good phrase with which to wish Christmas holiday-goers well! It is also good to use for secular friends who don’t celebrate Christmas but take a holiday at this time of the year.

    10- Best wishes for the New Year!

    Všechno nejlepší do nového roku!

    This is another way of wishing someone well in the New Year if they observe a Gregorian calendar. New Year’s day would then fall on January 1st.

    3. Must-Know Christmas Day Vocabulary

    Christmas is associated with many traditions and religious symbols in multiple countries across the world. It originated centuries ago in the West with the birth of Christianity, and the celebrations are often embedded with rich cultural significance. So, by now you know how to say Merry Christmas in Czech! Next, learn pertinent vocabulary and phrases pertaining to Christmas, as well as how to pronounce them correctly. At CzechClass101, we make sure you sound like a native speaker!

    1- Christmas


    This is the Czech word for ‘Christmas’. Most happy Christmas wishes in Czech will include this word!

    2- Snow


    In most Northern-hemisphere countries, Christmas is synonymous with snow, and for Christmas, the snowman is often dressed as Santa Claus.

    3- Snowflake

    sněhová vločka

    Snowflakes collectively make up snow. A single snowflake is small, white, light like a feather and icy cold! When put under a microscope, the snowflake reveals itself to have the most beautiful, symmetrical patterns. These patterns have become popular Christmas decorations, especially in Western countries.

    4- Snowman


    As you guessed – a snowman is only possible to build if it is snowing! What a fun way to spend Christmas day outside.

    5- Turkey


    Roast turkey is the traditional main dish on thousands of lunch tables on Christmas day, mainly in Western countries. What is your favorite Christmas dish?

    6- Wreath


    Another traditional Western decoration for Christmas, the wreath is an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring. Many families like to hang a Christmas wreath outside on their houses’ front doors.

    7- Reindeer


    Reindeer are the animals commonly fabled to pull Santa Claus’ sled across the sky! Western Christmas folklore tells of Father Christmas or Santa Claus doing the rounds with his sled, carrying Christmas presents for children, and dropping them into houses through the chimney. But who is Santa Claus?

    8- Santa Claus

    Santa Claus

    Santa Claus is a legendary and jolly figure originating in the Western Christian culture. He is known by many names, but is traditionally depicted as a rotund man wearing a red costume with a pointy hat, and sporting a long, snow-white beard!

    9- Elf


    An elf is a supernatural creature of folklore with pointy ears, a dainty, humanoid body and a capricious nature. Elves are said to help Santa Claus distribute presents to children over Christmas!

    10- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

    Rudolf, sob s červeným nosem

    ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ is a Christmas song based on an American children’s story book with the same name. Rudolph is one of Santa’s reindeer. The song became more famous than the book, and can still be heard playing in many shopping malls over Christmas time across the globe!

    11- North Pole

    Severní pól

    The cold North Pole is where Santa Claus is reputed to live with his reindeer!

    12- Sled


    A sled is a non-motorised land vehicle used to travel over snow in countries where it snows a lot, and is usually pulled by animals such as horses, dogs or reindeer. This one obviously refers to Santa’s sled! Another word for sled is sleigh or sledge.

    13- Present


    Gift or present giving is synonymous with Christmas Eve and the greatest source of joy for children over this festive time! This tradition signifies that Christ’s birth was a gift to mankind, but not all people who hand out presents over Christmas observe the religious meaning.

    14- Bell


    On Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, many religious celebrants enjoy going to church for a special sermon and Christmas rituals. The start of the sermon is often announced with bells or a bell, if the church has one. For this reason, the sound of ringing bells is often associated with Christmas Day.

    15- Chimney


    The chimney is the entrance Santa Claus uses to deliver children’s presents on Christmas Day, according to folklore! Wonder how the chubby man and his elves stay clean…?!

    16- Fireplace


    In most countries where it snows, Christmas is synonymous with a fire or burning embers in houses’ fireplaces. Families huddle around its warmth while opening Christmas presents. Also, this is where Santa Claus is reputed to pop out after his journey down the chimney!

    17- Christmas Day

    Štědrý den

    This is the official day of commemorative celebration of Christ’s birth, and falls each year on December 25.

    18- Decoration


    Decorations are the colourful trinkets and posters that make their appearance in shops and homes during the Christmas holiday season in many countries! They give the places a celebratory atmosphere in anticipation of the big Christmas celebration. Typical Christmas decorations include colorful photographs and posters, strings of lights, figurines of Santa Claus and the nativity scene, poinsettia flowers, snowflakes and many more.

    19- Stocking


    According to legend, Santa Claus places children’s presents in a red stocking hanging over the fireplace. This has also become a popular decoration, signifying Christmas.

    20- Holly


    Holly is a shrub native to the UK, and parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. It is characterised by glossy, spiny-toothed leaves, small, whitish flowers, and red berries. Ironically, its significance for Christmas relates to Christ’s crucifixion and suffering rather than his birth. However, the leaves’ distinctive shape and image have become popular Christmas decorations.

    21- Gingerbread house

    perníková chaloupka

    According to legend, the gingerbread house synonymous with Christmas is related to Christ’s birth place, Bethlehem. Bethlehem literally means ‘House of Bread’. Over centuries, it has become a popular treat over Christmas time in many non-religious households as well.

    22- Candy cane


    According to folklore, Christmas candy canes made their appearance first in Germany in the 16th century. A choir master gave children the candy canes to suck on in church in order to keep them quiet during the Christmas sermon! Apparently, the candy is shaped like a cane in remembrance of the shepherds who were the first to visit the baby Jesus. Today, like gingerbread houses, they are still a popular sweet over the festive season!

    23- Mistletoe


    Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that grows on certain trees. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the mistletoe has magical powers, and could protect a household from evil if hung above a door during December. The belief didn’t last but the habit did, and the mistletoe is another popular Christmas decoration!

    4. Twelve Days of Christmas

    Twelve Days of Christmas

    Wow, you’re doing extremely well! You know how to wish someone a Merry Christmas in Czech, and you learned pertinent vocabulary too! The Twelve Days of Christmas is not very well known in modern times, so, you’re on your way to becoming an expert in Christmas traditions and rituals. Well done!

    The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a traditional festive period of 12 days dedicated to celebrate the nativity of Christ. Christmas Day is, for many who observe Twelvetide, the first day of this period.

    ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ is also a popular Christmas song about a series of gifts given on each day of Twelvetide. According to experts, these gifts were created as a coded reference to important symbols in the Christian church. Here is a list of those gifts mentioned in the song! Do you recognise them?

    5. Top 10 Christmas Characters in American Culture

    Top 10 Christmas Characters

    This is fantastic, you know how to explain almost everything about Christmas in Czech! However, do you know the most popular Christmas characters in American culture? Your knowledge will not be complete without this list.

    6. CzechClass101 Is One Of The Best Online Language Schools Available!

    Visit CzechClass101!

    We don’t just say this – we can prove it! Geared to your personal needs and goals, we have several learning paths from which to choose. From Czech for Absolute Beginners to Advanced Czech, lessons are designed to meet you where you are, and increase your language abilities in fun, easy and interactive lessons! Mastering a new language has never been this easy or enjoyable.

    We have over a decade of experience and research behind us, and it shows! With thousands of audio and video lessons, detailed PDF lessons and notes, as well as friendly, knowledgeable hosts, CzechClass101 is simply unbeatable when it comes to learning correct Czech. Plenty of tools and resources are available when you study with us. New lessons are added every week so material remains fresh and relevant. You also have the option to upgrade and enjoy even more personalised guidance and services. This is a sure way to fast-track your learning!

    So, this Christmas, why don’t you give yourself a present and enroll in CzechClass101? Or give an enrollment as a present to a loved one. It will be a gift with benefits for a whole lifetime, not just over Christmas!